
I have kicked around the idea of having a blog for quite a while and I actually had one a while back which if you are bored/interested you can check out here. Hopefully this one will be a little more lasting.

I am a 22 year old BA/BSc student from the Australian National University currently studying on exchange at the University of Sheffield (UK). My majors are Drama, Zoology, Ecology and Evolution.

I am an avid theatre goer and get involved in as much theatre stuff as possible. I have been involved in theatre in many different capacities and you can see my portfolio here. I have studied theatre, seen lots of shows, been in several shows, directed a show, done lighting programming, op'ed lights, sound and projection, ASM'd and love it all! I am being both the Producer for the University of Sheffield Light Entertaiment Society (USLES) and one of the Technical officers for the Sheffield University Theatre Company (SuTCo.) in 2013/14.

The content of this blog will mostly be about theatre. Shows I see/plan to see, will be in/am involved in, have seen etc. Occasionally, I will probably slip in a post or two about the TV shows I am watching too. Maybe also some movies or books. But mostly Theatre.

So I will try to post at least once a week (Probably Sunday-ish). There will be occasional advertisement type posts for shows I am involved with, which will fall on other days. So please kick back and enjoy. Subscribe in the side bar if you feel like it, comment away etc.

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